Spellings for 13.5.22

Group A: nicely, lately, closely, funnily, luckily, gently, basically, simply

Group B: called, tall, walked, talked, always, warm, towards, world

Group C: dizzy, silly, jolly, sunny, smelly, agony, rocky, cloudy

Spellings for 6.5.22

Group A: stopping, stopped, rubbing, rubbed, clapping, clapped, hugging, hugged

Group B: circle, little, middle, tickle, apple, table, angel, label

Group C: very, funny, happy, party, family, baby, lady, many

Spellings for 8.4.22

Group A: ache, anchor, echo, school, stomach, choir, chemist, chorus

Group B: station, fiction, fraction, nation, section, direction, question, action

Group C: because, come, some, more, before, sure, have, give

Spellings for 1.4.22

Group A: their, there, wear, where, way, weigh, your, you’re

(Knowing when to use each spelling is the important thing here so work on using them in sentences.)

Group B: playful, careful, colourful, beautiful, graceful, faithful, stressful, wonderful

Group C: one, once, ask, why, push, house, said, which

Spellings for 25.3.22

Group A: interest, island, learn, perhaps, popular, quarter, question, straight

Group B: cries, flies, tries, babies, jellies, replies, carries, ladies

Group C: is, his, here, where, there, were, which, why

Spellings for 18.3.22

Group A: automatic, autograph, autopilot, supermarket, superstar, superior, thought, taught

Group B: sure, treasure, measure, pleasure, usual, people, sugar

Group C: very, empty, party, happy, sunny, family, silly, dizzy

Spellings for 11.3.22

Group A: build, busy, extreme, February, forward, group, heard, heart

Group B: want, watch, watched, squash, squashed, quantity, quality, quarrel

Group C: says, has, you, your, they, their, come, some

Spellings for 17.2.22

Group A: careful, careless, carefully, painful, painfully, painless, painlessly

Group B: wrong, wrap, wrote, wriggle, wreck, wrist, wrestler

Group C: taller, tallest, slower, slowest, smaller, smallest

Spellings for 11.2.22

Group A: sure, brochure, machine, parachute, chalet, champagne, chef, sugar

Group B: donkey, monkey, money, honey, chimney, valley

Group C: fresher, freshest, quicker, quickest, sharper, sharpest

Spellings for 28.1.22

Group A: calendar, consider, complete, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult

(These are words from the Year 3/4 word list)

Group B: braver, bravest, nicer, nicest, faster, fastest

Group C: by, my, come, some, were, where