Spellings for 1.10.21

Group A: dislike, disobey, disagree, disappear, can’t, don’t, won’t, isn’t

Group B: dolphin, elephant, phone, phonics, photo, graph

Group C: mixing, mixed, mixer, buzzing, buzzed, buzzer

Spellings for 24.9.21

Group A: unhappy, unlike, undo, untie, unzip, undress, untidy, unusual

Group B : see, sea, blue, blew, flour, flower, bee, be

Group C : hunting, hunted, hunter, jumping, jumped, jumper

Spellings for 17.9.21

Group A: hoping, smiling, baking, liking, running, skipping, chatting, waving

Group B: door, poor, floor, money, monkey, donkey

Group C: well, pull, back, stick, buzz, fizz

Spellings for 12.7.21

Group A: dream, each, reach, teach, peach

Group B: walk, talk, ball, call, always, other, nothing, Monday

Group C: myth, gym, Egypt, pyramid, mystery, country, double, trouble

Please note that I have foolishly put the 5th on the sheets sent home with the children instead of the 12th. Apologies!

Spellings for 5.7.21

Group A: five, ride, like, time, side

Group B: door, floor, poor, because, find, mind, kind, behind

Group C: enormous, jealous, glamorous, famous, various, tremendous, dangerous, poisonous 

Spellings for 28.6.21

Group A: see, tree, three, green, week

Group B: blue, clue, true, rescue, Tuesday, new, flew, grew

Group C: remember, suppose, question, promise, ordinary, perhaps, popular, position

Spellings for 21.6.21

Group A: far, car, bar, part, card

Group B: book, took, foot, wood, good, boat, coat, coach

Group C: material, medicine, mention, minute, natural, naughty, notice, opposite

Spellings for 14.6.21

Group A: put, push, pull, full

Group B:badge, edge, bridge, fudge, age, change, charge, village

Group C: league, tongue, antique, unique, invention, injection, discussion, confession

Spellings for 24.5.21

Group A: made, came, same, name, safe

Group B: dolphin, phonics, alphabet, elephant, phone, photo, morning, when

Group C: scheme, chorus, chemist, echo, character, chef, chalet, machine

Spellings for 17.5.21

Group A: girl, skirt, shirt, bird, said

Group B: for, short, born, horse, morning, more, before, wore

Group C: promise, purpose, quarter, question, regular, separate, various, woman