Red Class

Welcome to Red Class

Welcome back Red Class!

It was lovely to welcome you all back into Red Class today and hear all about your summer holidays. I just wanted to remind you about PE days for this year which are on a Wednesday and Friday, please can you ensure you come into school in your PE kit. Also, so that we can continue to go down onto the field at lunchtimes during the autumn/winter please can you bring in an old pair of trainers or wellies to keep in school to change into.

Many thanks and well done for a great first day back!

See previous messages & posts

Welcome to Red Class!

We are a unique, wonderful and hard-working group in Red class. The class teachers are Mrs Harper-Jones (Monday -Thursday) and Mrs Derrer (Friday). Our TA this year is Miss Lauren Cook

We celebrate individuality and differences and work together to achieve our ambitious goals!

We love learning in a warm, stimulating and caring environment and always make sure that we try our best each and every day and with everything that we do.

Please click on the link below to see everything we are learning this year.

Red Class Long term Plan 24-25

Red Overview 2023-24

Here we will let you know what’s coming up in Red.

Image result for cartoon PE

PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays – children should come to school in PE kit on these days. On Fridays, we have PE with Mr Bennett through the sports partnership.

Red Class spellings

In Red class, children are given new words to learn every Friday. They should bring home a sheet with the words on and they will also be posted every Friday. They are tested on the words the following Friday and they will be tested out of the order which they bring them home! We use EdShed to support the learning of spellings. (See the spellings page).

We know that some children are naturally ‘good spellers’ and others find it more difficult to learn the patterns. Children are also very good at learning words for spelling tests and not using them in their writing. If your child has a set of words which you think they know, ask them to write the word in a good sentence. There are plenty of games on Ed Shed.


Maths Frame – Multiplication Tables Check

Hit the Button

Maths puzzles and challenges


Keep up to date with the latest news on Newsround

Improve your mind, body and breathing

Get yourself moving with this zumba






Class Showcase
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Year 4 – Visit to the Pioneer Centre
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Arthog Climbing Wall

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Year 4 – Visit to the Pioneer Centre
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Arthog Climbing Wall
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Homework 11.7.24

Well done for a great week Red class and for a great year, you have all worked so hard!I have set your last piece of homework for this year on EdShed. Year 3 are looking at bar charts and year 4 are looking at drawing 2D shapes on a grid. Have a lovely weekend everyone!

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Red Class spellings for week beginning 23.09.24

This week’s words have ‘ou’ which make  a /u/ sound.

Group 1: young, touch, double

Group 2: double, enough, trouble, couple, touch, young

Group 3: double, enough, trouble, couple, touch, young, cousin, flourish, encourage

The children have been given their logins for Ed Shed which should be stuck inside their reading diaries. There are spelling games set which will support the learning of the weekly words.

EdShed Web Game - Spelling Shed and MathShed

Please type the following in the browser to log in.

On the sign in page, select school username and select Claverley CE Primary. It should then work with your child’s login details.


See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.