Medical Matters

The School always has a qualified First Aider on the premises and on educational visits. As a result of the First Aid, Health and Safety Regulations, we are not able to treat cuts and bruises with traditional methods e.g. antiseptic creams. Should any further treatment be considered necessary we would, of course, use the emergency contact numbers sent to school. If an injury is serious and parents cannot immediately, the school will assume “in loco parentis” and ensure the child gets immediate medical attention.
Parents are asked to keep the school informed of any changes to their child’s health and of any changes to contact details.
Please contact the school before 9.30am to advise if your child is going to be absent from school due to sickness.
Please note that for all sickness and diarrhoea related illnesses, the school would not expect a child to return to school until 48 hours have elapsed from the last episode. An early return could involve parents being asked to take their child home. This advice is clear on the NHS website in order that the school can try to control the spread of a virus and further prevent other children and staff becoming Ill.
If your child is well enough to attend school but requires medicine throughout the day, you will need to read the ‘Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy’ which informs parents of the information required.