School Updates

What’s happening next week beginning 23.09.24?

Tuesday – Year 1 and 2 on a trip to the Severn Valley Country Park. Wednesday – Reception children to do the Baseline Sports Ambassadors training at William Brookes School. Friday – Macmillan Coffee Morning Family members are invited to come and have a drink with their child’s class at ...

What has been happening this week – 16.09.24?

We had a really great PTA meeting on Monday. Thank you to those who were able to attend and it was great to see some new faces. The core team do a fabulous job and with everyone’s support, the money raised really does benefit the children. The PTA have already ...

School Menu Week Beginning 23rd September

Please find attached the school menu for next week: Menu Week 2 Claverley Sept 2024   ...

Superstars of the Week – Friday 20th September

Blue – James & Molly Red – Florence & Brody Yellow – Alex & Fleur Green – Conor & Sebastian Best Certificates Blue – Jemima Red – Esme Yellow – Albie Green – Oliver 25 Merits Eva, Henry   ...

What’s happening next week -16.09.24?

Please make sure your child’s name is in their clothes – especially jumpers/hoodies/cardigans. We are struggling to return them to their owners without names in the labels. Thank you. Monday 16th September – PTA meeting at 7pm in the school hall. Everyone is welcome and we love new ideas! School ...

What has been happening?

It is incredible that we are at the end of week 2 already. This week, we have had the great excitement of the dolphin arriving. and the empty crisp packets are flooding in- thank you. We have the dolphin until Thursday 3rd October so please keep sending them in! We ...
see all updates


Each class has it’s own pages to update you on what’s happening. Jump over to the class pages to see photos of the great work that’s going on!Each class in our school has 4 different areas to explore on our website:

  • News: Photos and updates direct from the classroom that allows parents to share in our experiences.
  • Spellings: A copy of the latest spellings to be learned by the children.
  • Homework: A copy of the latest homework tasks for the children.
  • Information: Educational documents and links to online information and resources that maybe useful to parents and children. Class curriculum, class rules, learning schemes etc.

Visit your child’s class page by clicking on the appropriate link below.