Uniform Information and Shop

We encourage our children to take pride in their work and in their school. For this reason we are keen for all children to be smartly dressed in full school uniform.  Uniform is also the cheapest and most practical clothing for school.

Uniform Policy

Please find details about our uniform

If you would like to purchase items with the school logo, they are available from Lads and Lasses Schoolwear of Bridgnorth.  It is not compulsory to have the school logo on uniform and children can wear plain tops available from most supermarkets.

  • Royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt *
  • Unisex pale blue polo shirt *
  • Plain grey trousers or plain grey shorts
  • Grey pinafore dress /skirt
  • Black, grey or white socks or tights
  • Black shoes
  • Option for the summer term only: blue and white check dress

PE days

Children come to school on their allocated PE days in their PE kit.

  • Royal blue school hoodie or sweatshirt *
  • Unisex pale blue polo shirt *
  • Royal blue shorts
  • Royal blue joggers
  • White or grey socks
  • Trainers for outdoor lessons

School uniform can be ordered from

Lads and Lasses Schoolwear

157 Victoria Rd, Bridgnorth WV16 4LL (Tel 01746 761701)

Or visit:  http://www.schoolwearfactory.co.uk

My Clothing

Visit:  https://myclothing.com/collections/claverley

PTA Swap Shop

In order to support you in buying affordable clothing for school, the PTA have a ‘swap shop’. Contact a member of the PTA or email them on pta@claverley.shropshire.sch.uk

Please ensure that all items of clothing are named, including shoes, trainers and wellington boots. This makes it easier to return lost property.

No jewellery apart from watches and sleepers or studs, for pierced ears only, should be worn to school. Watches must not be smart watches with camera and recording devices.

Jewellery should be removed for all PE and the child must take responsibility for their possessions. This might be difficult for some children so we would encourage them to leave earrings and watches at home on PE days. If children have recently had their ears pierced and are unable to take them out, parents should provide micropore to cover the ear lopes. This is in the interest of safety.

Hair styles should be suitable for young pupils who work and play in a primary classroom.

To reduce the risk of head lice, long hair should be tied back at all times. Hair accessories should be kept small e.g. small bows and clips. Extreme fashion styles are not acceptable e.g. Mohican styles.

Make up should not be worn – this includes nail polish.