Published on: 2nd February, 2024



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Weekly update – 2.2.24

What’s happening next week – week beginning 5.02.24?

Monday – Start of Children’s Mental Health & Safer Internet week

Children's Mental Health Week

Tips for families

Place2Be announces theme for Children's Mental Health Week 2024

Wednesday – Last day for Mrs Bernasconi

Year 4 Parents’ Lunch

Girls’ Football

Thursday – Lunar New Year for Green & Yellow (come to school in PE kit as usual).

Friday – As part of Mental Health week, children can come to school ‘Dressed to Express’. This means they can come to school in their own clothes (including wearing a sports kit or something from a club if they wish). Please ensure any children in Blue and Red wear something that they can do PE in too!


This week has flown by with lots of learning taking place. Green class did some very interactive RE and practical maths.

Red class have been inspired by the Bookfest and children are loving the selection of books they are reading.

On Wednesday afternoon, two teams from Blue class took part in a Dodgeball competition. Both teams played very well in their pool matches putting them through to the quarterfinals. Everyone played with great determination and honesty. Unfortunately, neither team made it to the semi-finals, but to come in the top 8 out of 20 teams was very commendable. Well done to Jaxon, Jovan, Mark, Freya, Cora, Nevaeh, Orlando, Jayden, Henry, Eliza, India and Nancy. Thank you to Mrs Richardson and Mrs Wade for taking them.

Thank you to the PTA for the Krispy Kreme sale which was very popular!

We have celebrated all our Super Stars this week – well done to them all.

Superstars of the Week – Friday 2nd February

Blue – Nancy & Molly

Red – Evalyn R & Jessica

Yellow – Florence & Orla

Green – Edward & Ryker

Best Certificates

Blue – Logan

Red – Freddie

Yellow – Isa

Green – Ralph

25 Merits

Brody, Freya

50 Merits



School Menu Week Beginning 5th February

Please find attached the school menu for next week: