Published on: 10th May, 2024

Newsletter – 10.05.24


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It has been a short week with lots of learning going on. Year 3 attended a multi-skills festival and did some archery and golf. Despite arriving to the venue late, after a short stop at Alveley Primary school, they showed great determination and team work.

We welcomed Hanro Swanepoel, the coach from Worfield Cricket club, who did some sessions with Green and Yellow class. Worfield are funding the sessions so that more children have the opportunity to access some expert cricket coaching and enjoy the fun sessions.

Some of the Year 6’s enjoyed their maths booster breakfast today! Thanks Mrs Benson – it looked delicious!

Well done Yellow class who took part in the RSPB campaign. We try to encourage our children to be Courageous Advocates – champions for change and that’s exactly what Yellow class did. They hung bird feeders around the playground and made some bug hotels to encourage more wildlife into our school. They received ‘thank you’ from David Attenborough.

Well done to Jacob who has given up his time to make a crisp packet blanket which will help to keep someone warm and dry. Another champion for a good cause!

This project came about from a visit to the British Ironwork Centre which is a great place to visit.

Well done to our amazing Super Stars this week. We love celebrating all the great things that have been achieved. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone and I hope you enjoy the sunshine!


Superstars of the Week – Friday 10th May

Blue – Jaxon & Iris

Red – Lily & Harrison

Yellow – Albie & Florrie

Green – Isabella & Penny

Best Certificates

Blue – Molly

Red – Sabrina

Yellow – Jacob & Freddie

Green – Edward

25 Merits

Eva, Mark, Orlando, Lily TJ, Iris, Jenson, Charlie, Penny, Ezra, Emily, Reuben, Ryker, Alice, Harry

School Menu Week Beginning 13th May

Please find attached the school menu for next week:


13.05.24 – What’s happening this week?

This week, our Year 6 children will be sitting their KS2 SATs. The link below shows which papers the children will be doing on which days. The tests will be done in the mornings. Please ensure your child arrives at school on time and having had a good breakfast!

KS2 SATs information for parents

Mrs Benson and Mrs Colin-Stokes along with support from Mrs Wade and Mrs Richardson, have prepared the children well for these tests. We are proud of the hard work they have all put in and know that they will do their absolute best.

Remember Year 6 to do your best and keep smiling!

Good luck Year 6! | Green Top School

Monday 13th May – Year 6 SPAG test.

Mrs Stalmans with Year 5 in the morning and Yellow class in the afternoon.

Dr Hollie coming to speak to Green class as part of their people who help us topic.

Tuesday 14th May – Year 6 Reading Comprehension

Mrs Stalmans with Year 5 in the morning and Yellow class in the afternoon.

Garry coming to speak to Green class as part of their people who help us topic.

Wednesday 15th May – Year 6 Maths papers 1 &2

Mrs Stalmans with Year 5 in the morning and Blue class in the afternoon.

Thursday 16th May – Year 6 Maths paper 3

Mrs Stalmans with Year 5 in the morning and Red class in the afternoon.

Friday 17th May – Own clothes day and donate £1 (or more if you wish) for Christian Aid. Garry has asked if we can support this charity this year. Children can bring cash for this to go in the official collection pot.

Year 6 can wear their Leavers’ hoodies from today.

Year 6 going to Pizza Hut – end of SATs treat organised by Mrs Benson.

Pm- Green class litter pick.