Published on: 17th May, 2024

Newsletter 17.05.24


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17.05.24- What’s been happening and what’s coming up?

Well done to our Year 6 children who took their KS2 SATs this week. We are proud of them. Thank you to their teachers for taking them to Pizza Hut today!

We have had several visitors in school this week: Dr Hollie and Garry came to speak to Green class as part of their topic on superheroes. They also went out on a litter pick around the village. Garry came to speak to Red class as part of their RE.

Thank you for sending in your donations for Christian Aid. Red class did an assembly to the whole school on Monday to explain why we were raising money. They acted out the story of The Good Samaritan to show that we should help others no matter who they are.

Claverley in Bloom came to support school with the raised beds and have planted a variety of seeds which the children can look after and watch grow.

Well done to all of our superstars this week. We also had lots of extra achievements to celebrate too!

The grass around the school grounds is being cut tomorrow (Saturday) so the field will be closed until that has been done. The field will be closed over May half-term for maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.

What’s happening next week?

Thursday 23rd May – Hugo Cartwright is Head for the day! (Mrs Derrer is looking forward to this!)

Mrs Nicholls is speaking to Green class about water safety.

Blue class are going on a field trip in the village.

PTA Krispy Kreme sale after school.

School field closed over half-term.

Children break up on Thursday 23rd May and return on Monday 3rd June.



Superstars of the Week – Friday 17th May

Blue – Eliza & Orlando

Red – Evelyn & Abigail

Yellow – Max & Katie

Green – Ranveer & Fleur

Best Certificates

Blue – Year 6

Red – Willow

Yellow – Albie

Green – Ralph

25 Merits

Jovan, Nevaeh, Olivia, Freya, Belle, Esme, Orla, Luna, Prim, Albie, Brad, Isa, Georgie, Max, Tilly, Ted, Ranveer, Sam, Arjun,

50 Merits

Eliza, Henry, Poppy, Nancy

School Menu Week Beginning 20th May

Please find attached the school menu for next week:


Well done year 6


We are incredibly proud of our year 6 pupils who have worked very hard in prepararation for their SATs. They have given their absolute BEST this week and taken the tests in their stride.

To celebrate the end of SATs week,  the children and  year 6 staff went to Pizza Hut for lunch. We were joined by some parents, and fun was had by all. Plenty of pizza, salad, fizzy drinks and ice cream was consumed!! As always, our children were a credit to our school.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Colin-Stokes

Sleep Tight Workshop

Please find attached information about the Sleep Tight Workshop: