Published on: 23rd February, 2024

Newsletter – 23.02.24


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23.02.24 – Weekly Update

What’s happening next week?

Monday 26th Feb – Lauren Cook is joining as the teaching assistant who will be working in Red and Yellow.

Yellow class trip to Shrewsbury Museum.

Wednesday 28th Feb – Dodgeball team out am. Red class swimming pm.

Friday 1st March – Super Sewers assembly for all classes.

What has been happening this week?

On Tuesday, the Tag Rugby team went to OWS to take part in a festival. They all played very well.  Mrs Richardson was delighted with them for achieving a School Games award – determination.

Your School Games - School Games Value: Determination

Never giving up on trying to achieve your goals. Putting in 100% even at difficult times and being the very best they can be.

On Wednesday, Red class started their swimming sessions which went well. They were all very excited and had a good first session.

The choir have spent months rehearsing for Young Voices. On Thursday, the day finally arrived and 27 excited children went to the Genting Arena to do one last afternoon rehearsal before performing to family and friends in the evening. They were part of a larger choir of 5,300 children and the air was electric! More pictures to follow!


Our Friday Super Stars! Well done everyone.

Superstars of The Week – Friday 23rd February

Blue – Lily & Sofiia

Red – Harrison & Brody

Yellow – Ted & Jacob

Green – Ezra & Abigail

Best Certificates

Blue – Henry

Red – Evelyn H

Yellow – Jonny

Green – Isabella

25 Merits

Bruce, Jaxon

50 Merits

Charlie, Chloe, Henry, Tilly

School Menu Week Beginning 26th February

Please find attached the school menu for next week: