Published on: 5th July, 2024

Newsletter 5.07.24


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What’s happening week beginning 8th and 15th July?

Monday (8.07.24) – School reports go out today.

Blue class have a first aid session with Mrs Hughes.

A former pupil (Gracie) is doing work experience in Green class.

Tuesday (9.07.24) – Athletics team to Oakengates.

Blue class swimming.

Forest school for Reception and Year 1.

Wednesday (10.07.24)  – New reception starters visit 8:50-11:30am.

3:30-4:30pm – End of year meetings to discuss reports.

Friday (12.07.24) – Summer Fair after school.

Monday (15.07.24) – Transition session where children go into new year groups.

Tuesday (16.07.24) – Blue class dress rehearsal in the morning.

Last swimming session for Blue class.

Wednesday (17.07.24) – Blue class performance of Peter Pan at 1:30 and 6:30pm – please bring your tickets.

Thursday (18.07.24) – Year 6 Leavers’ lunch.

Friday (19.07.24) – Leavers’ church service at 9:30am. Tea and coffee served in church before the service. Everyone is welcome to this service where we celebrate our Year 6.

Break up for the summer.


Weekly update – 5.07.24

Year 6 have had a great week! They enjoyed their transition days and visiting their new secondary schools. It was lovely to see them all come back feeling excited for the next stage of learning. They also had a great day at the Pioneer – thank you to the PTA for funding this marvellous day. Mrs Benson and Mrs Wade said the children were fantastic! Year 5 have been swimming and continuing to get to grips with the play.

Some of the new September starters enjoyed a taster session – it helps enormously that they are familiar with the teachers and setting ahead of starting.

We had a successful PTA cake sale too and it raised £120!

Well done to our amazing Super Stars today too. We saw a fabulous variety of extra awards today: dancing, gymnastics, football, martial arts and wrestling!

Superstars of the Week – Friday 5th July

Blue – Sofiia & Lily

Red – Zosia & Esme

Yellow – Alice & Katie

Green – Emily & Penelope F

Best Certificates

Blue – Cora

Red – Luca

Yellow – Charlie

Green – Emily

25 Merits

Sofiia, Lily W, Willow, Jack, Ella M

50 Merits

Mark, Logan, Brad, Hattie, Luca

School Menu Week Beginning 8th July

Please find attached the school menu for next week:



Year 6 end of year trip to Pioneer

Yesterday the year 6 children went to the Pioneer Activity  Centre for the day as their end of year treat, and what a fabulous day we had.

The children’s behaviour was exemplary and the leaders commented on how encouraging of each other they were- it’s great to think that they live out our school motto wherever they are.

This treat was funded by the PTA – a massive thank you to them.

From Blue Class